The Next Generation of Golfers

The number of youth golfers has grown tremendously in recent years. In fact, the count of young players has increased by over 25% in the last 3 years. This surge can be partially attributed to the pandemic, which heightened the youth's desire to socialize in outdoor spaces. Even after restrictions were lifted, however, the number of young players continued to rise, and social media is believed to have played a significant role in this trend. The increase in golf-related content on platforms like YouTube, TikTok, and endorsements from celebrities has rejuvenated what was once viewed as an old man's sport, creating a cultural bridge between different age groups.

The game's newfound affection has also led to a spike in golf-related tourism, with groups traveling and investing more to play at prestigious courses. This trend has been particularly advantageous for us here at Dryfter, as the amenities we provide create a dream stay for avid golfers. We are excited to witness and contribute to the promotion of this fantastic sport, one simulator swing at a time!